Fully Accredited by The National Association of Private Schools

Contact Us If You Are Interested In Online Learning
The purpose of Faith Baptist Christian Academy is to assist parents in their God-given responsibility of educating their children by providing a Christ-centered environment where students are trained spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. FBCA seeks to prepare students for a lifetime of service for God and others by teaching them to apply God's Word to their daily living.

Faith Baptist Christian Academy was established in 1979 with a non-traditional approach for educating and teaching students. Faith Baptist Online was introduced to assist in creating an environment where students can attend a virtual school, servicing grades 9-12.

With Faith Baptist Christian Academy's past achievement, the online school has enrolled students in the United States and overseas. This provides a flexible, structured program, customized to meet the needs of each student. Our qualified teachers, counselors, and support staff are here to help you succeed in providing a quality education for your student.

Faith Baptist Online operates with an open-enrollment policy. Students may enroll at any time during the year. Students do not have to wait for a conventional school year to begin or end in order to enroll for a new class. 

After review of your student's transcripts, Faith Baptist Online determines the academic level of your student and customizes their program accordingly. If your student needs reinforcement where there are learning gaps, we can create a customized online high school program to help your student succeed.
Homeschool & Distance Learning Program Guidelines

FBCA pursues all efforts to provide the following:

Parent-Teacher Training

We require parents to take a Parent-Teacher Training (PTT) program to develop their teaching goals, duties, and responsibilities.


We require accountability that includes time frames for completing schoolwork and evaluation of submitted materials by school staff. The school staff must assess the work and provide improvement plans as needed.

Documentation of Authenticity

We require an annual documentation attesting to the authenticity of each student's work. This document must be signed by both the student and the parent, demonstrating the validity of the submitted schoolwork or lessons.

Other-Than-Parent Supervisor/Teacher Policy

We require documentation addressing parents who delegate teaching responsibilities to someone else. This documentation should outline the age and training for such supervisor or teacher that may be substituting for the parent.