Welcome to Faith Bible Institute’s program of Bible study. We trust that this program will help you as you learn more of the Word of God. Please read the information below before beginning any program of study.
Faith Bible Institute has received a Letter of Exemption from Certification issued by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to offer non-academic or church-related courses and grant non-academic awards or church-related degrees.
The Student should be aware that credit hours for courses offered by Faith Bible Institute may not transfer. Acceptance of course credits for transfer is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
To enroll in FBI you must have high school diploma or equivalent.
Mission Statement
Faith Bible Institute is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church in Ludowici, Georgia. Faith Baptist Church saw the need for a Bible Institute to help those within the local church community and from that vision came Faith Bible Institute.
Faith Bible Institute is designed to offer Biblical training for pastors, evangelists, Christian schoolteachers, high school graduates, and all those involved in Christian service.
• It is the desire of the Institute to help equip any interested student with the Biblical knowledge and practical training needed in their field of study.
• Faith Bible Institute offers training to everyone, regardless of his or her educational background. All that is needed is a desire to learn.
• Credit is given for LIFE EXPERIENCE. Faith Bible Institute is prepared to give proper credit to those who are evaluated by the school registrar. Training which may have taken place outside of the classroom is recognized as valuable and worthy of credit toward a diploma in a field of Biblical study. Details are available from the Institute about this area of credit.
General Information
Our programs of study are assigned for individualized work and on a scheduled basis of one-year programs. Each student is expected to complete all assignments in his / her course of study in one year before moving to the next year’s studies. However, should circumstances arise that cause a delay in completion of assignments, students may request an extension. Students are limited to no more than 16 hours per semester. If they so desire, students are allowed to work on only one course at a time.
Many programs of Bible study offered by the Institute are based on regular textbook studies, detailed Bible reading and exposition, study guides, and assignments that require an analysis of subject material. Some courses require the use of all of these, while other courses require only one of these methods. The student may obtain books for research and study from a local library, a college library, or he / she may have them in their own possession.
All Bible study programs use the Authorized King James Version of the Bible (1611). If you do not have a copy, we will be glad to help you get one.
All programs of Bible study may be worked at your own pace. Work at a pace that is good for you and that helps you learn the most.
Along with each Bible study program or course, you will find a list of assignments. This list is important to your studies. It outlines everything necessary for the completion of your particular course. As you work on the list of assignments - complete each assignment, hand in work to the Institute, prepare for your tests, take tests, move on to your next course.
If, as a part of your assignments, you are required to keep a notebook, a folder with loose-leaf paper is acceptable. However, a spiral bound notebook with several sections is better. Any type of notebook in which papers can be kept neatly is acceptable. Some programs and courses require the completion of a workbook and / or worksheets. Please complete these assignments and send / hand your work in to the Institute for grading.
Memory Work
Whenever memory verses are assigned, you are on your Christian honor to complete that part of your assignment and notify the Institute of your work. If you are attending classes, verses and memory work should be quoted to your instructor.
Progress Reports / Grades
Each student will be notified of their progress / grades on all tests / quizzes / research papers / notebooks / Scripture work / etc. as they complete their assignments.
Helpful Hints
Many books may be assigned for you to read during your course of study. In some cases, substitute books may take the place of an assigned book. Please get approval from the Institute before making any substitutions.
For help with definitions, etc., use a good Bible dictionary.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is also a very valuable tool to help find references, etc.
A Bible handbook is recommended as well.